Declaration is a mixed media music and video performance and digital art installation led by artist Kooj Chuhan and composer Tagné Tebu. It focuses on jazz improvisation but incorporates improvisatory approaches from India, Africa, Middle East. Improvisatory approaches will drive narrative development and the video projection to reflect the respective musical structures. Thematically, Declaration reflects on human rights post-Brexit focusing on refuge and migration with documentary recordings. We will uniquely involve two key organisations on the frontline of these issues to create the narrative and footage.
After the show there will be a panel discussion which asks, where do we go with human rights after Brexit? Where should we have been, how are refugees affected by human rights laws and what are we destroying if we water down these very basic rights?
Speakers will include Denise McDowell, director of GMIAU, as well as members of These Walls Must Fall campaign against immigration detention, and local artist, filmmaker and activist Kooj Chuhan who founded Virtual Migrants and Metaceptive.
For more information, please see the Declaration website by clicking here.
For tickets and venue information please visit the HOME Manchester website, by clicking here.