GMIAU has been awarded funding by the Strategic Legal Fund (SLF) to research the delays in the asylum system, with a particular focus on young people. This builds on our earlier work highlighting the impact of delays on children and young people – in our March 2021 report which showed a deterioration in the children’s mental and physical health; our August 2021 update; and our December public letter with 25 other organisations drawing attention to the immediate danger to welfare that delays were still causing.

This week a damning Home Affairs Committee report criticises the running of the Home Office, highlighting the glacial pace of decision making with a child, on average, having to wait 550 days for an asylum decision.

This funding will help us gather and analyse data demonstrating the extent of the problem, the impact on people and the systemic failings resulting in the excessive delays.

We intend to put out a call for evidence in September 2022. In the interim, if you or your organisation has information that might help us please get in touch with and We are grateful to Alasdair Mackenzie of Doughty Street Chambers for his support with this project.

The SLF is a fund to support legal work that goes beyond securing justice for an individual and makes a significant contribution to law, practice and procedures to uphold and promote the rights of migrant groups in the UK. They said:

SLF funding awarded to Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit for pre-litigation research and development into the significant delays in the Home Office determining asylum claims, in particular claims from unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) and family units. Funding will be used to obtain and consider data with a view to commencing strategic litigation to challenge the systemic failings causing these delays.

Greater Manchester Immigration Aid Unit is a specialist not for profit organisation. They offer immigration and asylum advice, representation and support services to people seeking asylum, refugees, children and vulnerable adults. They have a large legal team, supported by a policy department, destitution team and a community organiser.

To keep up with our work on delays and more, follow us on Twitter.